AT Commander's
35MM Camera
This project is a
pretty easy one. The 35mm camera came with the USCG figure. The telephoto lens
was waaaaay too big for most adventure use, though. We shortened it, capped off
the hole, and repainted the whole camera. Now it looks more like a civilian
camera like you'd find folks carrying at Yellowstone, along the coast or in the
Grand Canyon.
Here's a pic of the original camera and the shortened version. You
can see how much was removed in this process. The original telephoto zoom lens
is pretty long. I can't imagine any possible shipboard use this could've had -
the field of vision must've been restrictively narrow, especially on the rolling
deck of a ship! We couldn't find much of a use for this monster, so cutting it
down made a lot of sense.
Here are a
couple of views from different angles. There's no great hobbyist skill here...
this is a quick "bang it out" project because the kids wanted to play with it. I
probably could've done a better job on the paint, but when kids are waiting and
the day is late, sometimes you go with a 90% answer just to get it into service
Now Joe is ready
for about any mission - or vacation! This camera is a bit better than the
snapshot cameras, less bulky than his video camera, and has about a 135mm
telephoto zoom lens - perfect for portraits of Jane or beautiful wilderness
vistas. Whether on business or pleasure, now Joe has a camera to use on his
LMK what you think of this project, or any other
stuff you stumble across on my website!